Our Common Cause

Our Common Cause is the column of Socialist Alliance in Green Left which is widely recognised as one of the most authoritative left-wing English-language sources of news and political analysis in print and online. Green Left covers many of the issues and campaigns that Socialist Alliance members are involved in.

Members and supporters are encouraged to promote Green Left while campaigning in their communities and workplaces and to become financial supporters of Green Left to ensure its ongoing production and distribution.

Labor's claim that its tactics defeated the Religious Discrimination Bill do not stack up. Progressive politics is about building support for progressive ideas, not parliamentary manoeuvres that give political space to conservatives and reactionaries to compromise hard-won rights.

Aged residents in care are dying at alarming rates from COVID-19, while the Prime Minister wastes precious time trying to convince us that the system is not in crisis.

Grace Tame provoked outrage because she did not behave in a way she was expected to, particularly for a successful woman in the media spotlight. By not smiling, Tame did not take up her prescribed role; she was defiant, not submissive.

Labour shortages give unions a stronger bargaining position. We need to argue against racist and nationalistic tropes that migrant workers steal Australians’ jobs, while defending workplace safety, wages and conditions.

No matter what we think of Djokovic’s born-to-rule attitude, the government’s arbitrary and discriminatory use of its harsh border policies is not in our broader democratic interest.

The new exemptions to Public Health Orders which can force sick workers to work represent a serious attack on workers' rights and their health and safety. Workers and our unions need to draw a line.

Under the cover of applying “one vote, one value” to elections for Western Australia's Legislative Council, last month WA Labor also pushed through legislation that disadvantages smaller political parties.

Not everyone who has attended the so-called “Freedom” protests is right wing, but the protests themselves are right wing and so are the organisers.

It is pretty clear now that Australia is ruled by, and on behalf of, sociopaths who are confident that they, or their children, will get a place on the escape space shuttle out of here if things turn to shit.

Greta Thunberg told the massive Fridays for Future rally in Glasgow on November 5 that it was already clear that the COP26 climate summit was a “failure”.

The lesson from the G20 and COP26 is that it is not enough to just change an extreme climate foot dragging government for a seemingly climate friendly, big talking, but small action capitalist alternative.

Corruption is not an accidental feature of these parties, nor the result of individual greed or weakness. It is a structural feature of a system geared to protecting the interests of a few at the expense of the many, and cannot be ended without revolutionary change.