Candidates support anti-WestConnex Lantern Procession

Socialist Alliance candidates standing for the Inner West Council will join communities on the Lantern Procession Against WestConnex on Saturday July 22. Lanterns have traditionally served as a warning.
“There is a groundswell of community opposition to #WestConnex in the inner west,” said Pip Hinman, the Alliance’s candidate for Stanmore ward. “We can be certain that more communities will join the resistance as the tollway-tunnel monster spreads its tentacles north and south.”
“At the incredible cost of $1billion a kilometre, you have to ask who will pay and who will profit”, said Susan Price, who is running in Ashfield ward.
“The public will be forced to pay the bill in financial, social and environmental terms, while the corporate mates of the NSW Coalition government get all the gain. This project will actually send Sydney’s transport system backwards.”
Blair Vidakovich, who is running for Leichhardt ward, said: “WestConnex is already eating large slabs of Sydney, wrecking entire communities in its path. But it may well be that the mess of corrupt deals that is being uncovered will bring down the NSW Coalition government.”
The Lantern Procession is designed to both serve as a warning, as well as to illuminate the tunnel route and the dangers of WestConnex.
All candidates are activists in the anti-WestConnex campaign. They want resources to be spent on expanding and improving Sydney’s public transport system.
Susan and Blair will join the Lantern Procession in Haberfield at the corner of Bland St & Parramatta Roads at 4pm.
Pip will join the Lantern Procession in St Peters at the Brickworks at 5pm.
The Lantern Procession FB event is here: