Fremantle Herald: Socialist Alliance candidate says reopen Fremantle Hospital emergency department

FREMANTLE HOSPITAL’S emergency department should be re-opened says Socialist Alliance candidate Chris Jenkins.
Mr Jenkins says his party will be looking to use any clout it has to reverse the Barnett government’s decision to close the department when Fiona Stanley Hospital opened in 2014.
He says the region’s burgeoning population means FSH isn’t big enough to cope with demand, pointing to the high rate of ambulance ramping as evidence.
He denies it would lead to a health budget blowout similar to the one created when the Liberal government promised to keep Royal Perth Hospital open on the eve of its surprise 2008 election.
“It’s all about funding priorities, and there are other areas where you could refocus spending,” Mr Jenkins said.
He also warned protest voters not to consider One Nation, saying despite Pauline Hanson’s opposition to the privatisation of Fremantle Port, her preference deal with the Liberals would see it sold off.
Overseas buyers
Mr Jenkins says her opposition appeared to be based on the fear of potential overseas buyers rather than privatisation, so there could be room to reverse her decision after the election if she brokered a deal with the Liberals to control foreign ownership.