Socialist Alliance City of Sydney Council election campaign

NSW local government elections are on September 14.

Socialist Alliance will be running grassroots candidates for the City of Sydney local council.

For a ANTI-RACIST, JUSTICE and ANTI-WAR COUNCIL: That delivers justice for First Nations communities, becomes an anti-war Council and delivers safety and empowers women, the LGBTIQA+ community and all survivors fleeing violence. We call on the Council to provide a Truth-Telling Space and Treaty for First Nations communities in the City and campaigns to end Russia’s war on Ukraine and Israel's war on Palestine. That Council breaks all ties with Israel and becomes a “Boycott, Divest and Sanctions” council. Council to build a state-of-the-art LGBTIQA+ Pride Centre and connected Women's Rights Area “Quarter”, with museum, hostel, sex-worker safe space area, and 1800 emergency number for violence assistance.  

HOUSING JUSTICE: For a Council that eliminates homelessness. Through refitting and refurbishing empty and derelict public housing and building Council-owned and managed public housing and co-operatives. Impose a 650% rate rise on any landlord who raises rent in a two-year period – to apply even after an existing lease expires. Increase the developer levy from 3% to 30% on any construction projects over $1 million to fund council housing projects. Develop a 24/7, quality homelessness service.  

ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: For a sustainable, green, recycling, bike and public transport City. Immediately remove all asbestos from garden spaces.  Close a City of Sydney main thoroughfare to vehicle traffic every Sunday for bike-riding and pedestrian programs, develop connected bike paths through the City and subsidise the use of bikes.  Cover City of Sydney buildings with solar panels for a 100% renewable city by 2030.  Assess and acquire relevant vacant land and rooftops for a rapid expansion of community gardens and greenspace. 

ECONOMIC JUSTICE: For a Council that effectively tackles poverty by empowering the people and the poor. Develop a Council run “Know Your Rights Centre” -- an information hub for newly arrived migrants/refugees, young people and residents about housing, jobs, unions and their rights. 

EXPAND DEMOCRACY: For real, participatory democracy in the City.  Promote council meetings that are open and face-to-face and on zoom for all residents to bring any issue to the Council. 

With Candidates - Not In Any Order 

Rachel Evans (Lord Mayor candidate, public housing campaigner - Action for Public Housing, National Housing Justice Campaign, City of Sydney for Palestine, Socialist Alliance)

Karyn Brown (Waterloo housing resident, Action for Public Housing)

Andrew Chuter (Friends of Erskineville Secretary, National Tertiary Education Union Sydney University, Socialist Alliance) 

Adam Hadad (Algerian anti war activist, City of Sydney for Palestine, Free Julian Assange)

Dr Coral Wynter (Socialist Alliance, Move Beyond Coal,

Suelin McCauley (childcare worker, United Service Union, City of Sydney for Palestine, Socialist Alliance) 

Our candidates