2013 Australian federal election

7 September 2013 Australian federal election.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander rights:Treaty now to respect sovereignty; repeal the Northern Territory intervention laws; abolish racist welfare quarantining; no uranium waste dumps; close the gap in Aboriginal health, education and housing.

Bring the mining industry, the big banks and the energy companies under public/community ownership and control, so that they can be run in a way that respects Aboriginal rights, the environment and social justice.

Ford's announcement that it will close its last vehicle manufacturing plants in Australia - in Geelong and Broadmeadows - destroying the jobs of 1,200, is "totally despicable", said Sue Bull, the Socialist Alliance candidate for Corio.

"While ALP politicians are fleeing in terror from factional and media accusations about using ‘class war rhetoric’, the reality is that there is an ongoing class war that is about to be dramatically escalated if Abbott wins the September 14 elections", said Peter Boyle.

Sam Wainwright is a Socialist Alliance councillor in Fremantle. Below is a talk he gave on the topic of how to achieve social change in Australia.