Peter Boyle

“NSW not for sale!” was one of the chants at a Fix NSW rally on March 3, 20 days out from the state election.

The following message will be sent to all NSW prisoners before the March state elections. Thanks to Justice Action, the Sydney-based group that represents people locked in prisons and hospitals, defending human rights in the hardest places. For more information on Socialist Alliance's election campaign platform click here.

While Phelps is no candidate of the left, her victory is a huge morale boost for those movements that have been fighting against the Coalition government.

If #Libspill can be summed up as the “madness of Abbott”, we have to recognise that this and other symptoms of political “madness” (such as Trump) are expressions of the dangerous times we live in.

This shocking case is just the latest illustration of how Australian governments — Coalition and Labor — have served multinational corporate interests at the expense of the Timorese people.

We shouldn’t confuse the idea of a liveable income as a right with UBI.

Just two weeks ago, four young Muslim women wearing hijabs were assaulted right in front of the University of Technology Sydney at about 1.30pm. They were punched, one after another, by a woman they had not spoken to or interacted with in any way.

All around Australia, racially oppressed minority communities are celebrating the late night defeat of the federal government’s attempt to weaken section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.

First, young people were told they should not think that they are entitled to rights, such as free education, permanent jobs, unemployment benefits and even pensions when they are too ill or old to work. Now the attack has shifted to the older generation.
History will record Fidel as a great revolutionary leader, but this reflects more than his qualities as an exceptional individual. His leadership reflects the power of the Cuban revolution.

Just as a chain of legitimisation helped revive Pauline Hanson, a mass campaign of delegitimisation is needed to turn back the tide.

The myth of the egalitarianism of Australia is cracking up after 50 years of Liberal-National and Australian Labour Party governments helping the super rich get even richer at the expense of the rest.