Socialist Alliance

Come and join us for the official launch of the NSW 2025 federal election campaign.

1pm, Saturday March 15
Resistance Centre, 22 Mountain St, Ultimo
Facebook event:

Any party or MP eyeing off Donald Trump’s attacks on trans, nonbinary people and women will have a fight on their hands, argues Rachel Evans. 
Socialist Alliance is not standing candidates in the 2025 WA state election so we will be actively supporting Greens candidates instead.
Labor’s capitulation to the language and substance of Donald Trump’s agenda in the US has dire implications for politics here.
Socialist Alliance opposes Trump's ethnic cleansing proposal and calls on the Albanese government to do the same.

Launching the Socialist Alliance election campaign including: Jonathan Strauss and Kamala Emanuel (for the senate) and Alex Bainbridge (for the seat of Rankin).

Includes: music, greetings & finger food

While Socialist Alliance welcomes the ceasefire agreement, whether it will hold up until its final phrase will depend on the global pro-Palestine movement maintaining its pressure on governments to force Israel to comply, argues Jacob Andrewartha.
The 19th National conference of the Socialist Alliance passed this resolution on the presidential elections in Venezuela
It is no exaggeration to say that whether Dutton wins or loses, his racist campaign is already harming people, argues Peter Boyle.

Donald Trump’s victory has sent a wave of depression around the world, especially after the right-wing advances in Europe and the anti-immigrant race riots in England. Peter Boyle argues that the challenge for progressive movements has never been greater. 

As the apocalyptic violence unleashed on Gaza grinds on and domestic opposition grows, Labor has resorted to backing an institutional assault on free speech. Sam Wainwright argues the only way to fight back is to keep speaking out.

The 19th National Conference of Socialist Alliance will be in-person on January 10 Friday to Sunday January, 12, 2025, hosted by the Sydney Branch in NSW at Socialist Alliance Gadigal Country-Sydney offices, 22 Mountain St, Ultimo.