Socialist Alliance resolution on the presidential elections in Venezuela

[This resolution was passed at the 19th Socialist Alliance National Conference on January 11].
The Socialist Alliance reiterates its opposition to foreign interference in Venezuela’s domestic affairs.
We reject the hypocrisy of the Australian government, which criticises the Venezuelan electoral process, while supporting United States-led sanctions on the country, that make it difficult to have truly free and fair elections.
For more than two decades, the Socialist Alliance has worked in solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution, a process of radical democratic transformation led by Venezuela’s poor and working class.
During that time, US imperialism and its allies have sought to overthrow the democratically-elected governments of Hugo Chávez and Nicolas Maduro, in order to roll back the Bolivarian Revolution.
This campaign has involved, among other tactics, failed coups, economic sabotage, foreign mercenaries, assassination attempts and illegal sanctions. The Venezuelan people have the right to decide their fate free of such threats and interventions.
Despite these enormous challenges, the Bolivarian Revolution established one of the most transparent and fraud-proof electronic voting systems in the world.
However, the conduct of the presidential election on July 28 broke with this tradition. As a result, its outcome is the subject of competing claims.
In contravention of Venezuela’s laws, constitution and the basic principles of the Bolivarian revolution, the Maduro government, the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the Supreme Court of Justice have suppressed details of the vote — the only way Venezuelan people have to verify what happened and ensure their will is respected.
The Maduro government also meted out heavy repression against predominantly poor and working class protesters who contested the validity of the declared result, leaving more than 20 people dead and hundreds still in jail.
Months later, it continues to quash any dissent over the CNE’s pronouncement, including through the criminalisation of requests for results to be published and a proposed new law to bar any political party or candidate from contesting a future election if they question Maduro’s victory.
Socialist Alliance remains steadfast in our solidarity with Venezuela’s poor and working people. We will continue to campaign for the US to lift the sanctions and against all imperialist intervention in Venezuela, including calls by foreign governments to “recognise” right-wing opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez as president.
At the same time, we will continue to campaign in defence of democratic and workers’ rights in Venezuela, including freedom for those in prison for protesting for such rights and ensuring respect for the people’s vote.