19th National Conference of the Socialist Alliance

The 19th National Conference of Socialist Alliance will be in-person on January 10 Friday to Sunday January, 12, 2025, hosted by the Sydney Branch in NSW at Socialist Alliance Gadigal Country-Sydney offices, 22 Mountain St, Ultimo.
The conference will be proceeded by a two-day Marxist Summer School at the same venue on Thursday January 8 and Friday January 9 which will feature a radical walking tour and activist skill-skill workshops.
Members can access the discussion bulletin by clicking here.
If you would like to register your attendance for the conference click here.
Conference tickets can be pre-booked at https://www.trybooking.com/CWIWK
Information for Socialist Alliance Branches
Readings for the Marxist Summer School
For the first three classes.
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, Ch 1 & Ch 2, p. 39-57.
Engels and Lenin on the national question by Norm Dixon
Toward a global strategic framework: The Comintern and Asia 1919-25 by John Riddell.
No core reading necessary for Class 4 but it is worth familiarising yourself with the Towards a Socialist Australia document.
Conference Agenda
Thursday January 9
10am-12pm Marxist Summer School Class 1 - Capitalism and the rise of the nation state
12pm-1pm - Lunch Break
1pm-3pm Marxist Summer School Class 2 - National struggle and the class struggle
4.30pm-6:00pm Radical Glebe Walking Tour. For Conference attendees participating in the Socialist Summer School and interested public members. Meet at Resistance Bookshop, 22 Mountain St, Ultimo
Friday 10 January
10am-12pm Marxist Summer School Class 3 - The national question and the anti-colonial struggle
12pm-1pm - Lunch break
1pm-3pm Marxist Summer School Class 4 - The Role of a Socialist Party
6:00pm - Welcome dinner for conference and forum attendees.
7pm - Opening panel: Socialism For Our Times
Featuring socialist activists from the Asia-pacific and Socialist Alliance National co-convenor Sam Wainwright.
Saturday 11 January
9:00am Registration
9:30am - International Political Situation Report (for members and invited guests).
12:30pm - LUNCH BREAK
1:30pm - Discussion of International Political Situation
2:15pm - Break
3:30pm - Australian Political Situation Report & Discussion (for members and invited guests).
7:00pm - Saturday Night Evening: Fundraiser for Green Left at 22 Mountain St, Ultimo
Sunday 12 January
9:00am - Registration
9:30am - Report: Building Socialist Alliance (for members and invited guests)
12:00pm - Lunch Break
1:00pm - Voting on resolutions
2:45pm - Amendments to the Socialist Alliance Policy Platform (for members and invited guests)
4:00pm - Socialist Alliance Leadership Elections
6:00pm - Conference Closing
Conference Delegates
Voting on motions and resolutions at national conference is by conference delegates elected by branches. The proposed delegate ratio is 1:6, that is one conference delegate to six Voting Members as defined in the Socialist Alliance constitution at section four, or part thereof.
For example:
Geelong branch has 54 voting members, this means the branch can elect 9 conference delegates. (54/6=9)
Geelong branch has 52 voting members, this means the branch can elect 9 conference delegates (48/6= 8) + 4 additional members is the “part thereof” which allows for an additional delegate.
Branches should aim to provide at least 14 days’ notice to members of delegate elections occurring.
Finally, it is required that elected delegates attend the conference in person.
Delegate fees
The delegate fee is $200, this is calculated based on expected number of delegates and travel costs and is payable to the national office. Delegates travelling from interstate can then access a travel subsidy if needed, based on the cost/distance travelled to the conference. For any inquries about this please email national_office@socialist-alliance.org.au.
Important dates#
In the lead-up to the conference members of Socialist Alliance are welcome to make contributions to our discussion bulletin. We are encouraging contributions on any political work that branches have been involved in, along with any political positions on issues that you might want to share with the party.
There is no cut-off dates for general contributions to our discussion bulletin, but to ensure the best possible discussion around any potential contributions it would be great if they could be sent in as soon as practical prior to the beginning of the conference.
Amendments or proposed new policy for Socialist Alliance at the conference will form part of the policy platform.
The deadline for submitting amendments to the constitution and the policy platform is January 6
If you would like to contribute a policy suggestion or any other issue, please send your contribution to national_office@socialist-alliance.org.au.
Further Information #
Conference venue:
Sydney Resistance Centre & Bookshop Shop 4, 22-36 Mountain St, Ultimo, NSW, 2007.
Limited billeting spots are available with Sydney Socialist Alliance members and will be prioritised for conference delegates with low income. If you’re travelling on a budget and can’t afford paid accommodation, please contact conference organisers to see if something can be arranged.
Contact Fred Fuentes at 0412 556 527 about all inquries related to billeting.
If you are booking accommodation as a small or large group https://www.stayz.com.au/ has places available.
Other accommodation options:
Summerhouse Kings Cross (153 Forbes St, Woolloomooloo)
Hostel with dorm available. Conference venue accessible by public transport
Newtown Backpackers (5-11 Egan Street, Newtown)
Hostel with dorm and private rooms available. Accessible by public transport and 30-minute walk.
Sydney backpackers (7 Wilmot St, Sydney)
Hostel with dorm available. Conference venue accessible by public transport.
The Maze Backpacker (417 Pitt St, Haymarket)
Hostel with dorm and private bedrooms available. 20-minute walk to conference venue.
790 on George (790 George St, Haymarket)
Hostel with dorm and private bedrooms available. 17-minute walk to conference venue.
You can view options for more accomodation including prices here.