Socialist Alliance responds to slander by McGuinness: Zionists have lost hearts and minds over Palestine

After more than seven months of genocide, the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu and its supporters are losing the battle for hearts and minds of anyone concerned about peace and justice in the Middle East. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that as supporters of the Zionist project feel more isolated, they become more hysterical.
“Outbursts such as Parnell Palme McGuinness’s opinion piece on May 19 for 9Now, underscore that Israel’s propaganda is not working,” said Sue Bolton, Socialist Alliance spokesperson said on May 21.
“McGuinness makes many assertions in her opinion piece in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, including that: Labor must understand that its vote at the UN can “reasonably be understood” to mean that it is endorsing Hamas; the student encampments and the chant ‘From the River to the Sea’ are antisemitic; and that Israel is being wrongly accused of being a coloniser,” Ms Bolton said.
“McGuiness also accuses Socialist Alliance of having absorbed ‘the fight against the perceived Jewish global capitalist [sic]into their platforms’.”
“But her assertions are all easily disproven, including by checking Socialist Alliance’s policy on Palestine.”
Bolton said Socialist Alliance is a proud supporter of the pro-Palestine movement and the student encampments.
“Some of our members are active in Jews Against the Occupation and other Jewish groups groups that support fundamental human rights for Palestinians. We do not support racism in any form and we have consistently fought antisemitism.”
“Socialist Alliance opposes capitalist exploitation regardless of a capitalist’s religious or ethnic background”. “Capitalism has nothing more to do with Judaism than it does with Christianity or any other religion or, indeed, with atheism.”
McGuinness uses racist dog whistling against Muslim communities for “putting pressure” on Members of Parliament, Bolton said.
McGuiness also claims to speak for Jews.
But, as many Jewish groups are repeatedly saying, they hold diverse views on many issues.
“Groups such as the Jewish Council of Australia, Jews Against the Occupation ‘48, the Tzedek Collection and Loud Jew Collective are united and outspoken in opposing Israel’s occupation and the prioritisation of the rights of Jewish people over the rights of Palestinians,” Bolton said.
“We applaud WA Labor Senator Fatima Payman for calling on Labor to oppose the genocide in Gaza.”
“Together with the growing Palestine justice movement, we must force this government to stand on the right side of history.”