Socialist Alliance policy platform


[The 19th Socialist Alliance National Conference on January 12 updated this policy platform]

Socialist Alliance exists to campaign for the ecosocialist changes our society desperately needs.

Capitalism is manifestly unable to resolve the impending climate catastrophe, arguably the most pressing challenge for humanity.

Equally, capitalism has no answer to the rampant inequality crisis that gets worse every year. In large parts of the world it cannot meet peoples’ basic needs for shelter and livelihoods. In wealthy countries, including Australia, more and more people struggle with the cost of living.

Solutions exist. Working people can achieve them.

Working people can create a democratic socialist society focused on meeting the needs of people and the planet. But they need to take power into their hands, away from the billionaire class and the corporations and governments they control.

This is a revolutionary approach involving the whole community in the transformation of society and the economy.


This platform guides the work of Socialist Alliance members, in campaigns and when elected to public positions.

Capitalist Australia is founded on colonial theft, genocide and dispossession of First Nations people. We seek to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to rectify these injustices and realise meaningful sovereignty for First Nations people.

We place great value on working with communities, trade unions and social movements.

Popular mobilisation is the key driver of progressive social change. Direct involvement in struggle changes peoples’ ideas about what is possible and it creates, expands and strengthens the grassroots organisations that can make change a reality.

Thus, we believe it is important to work with others to achieve even partial realisation of the goals and policies outlined in this platform. In such struggles, to make life better now, we also seek to build working class and community power capable of achieving more far-reaching change.

Our goal is a radical democracy. Together, all who are now exploited, oppressed, and excluded from power will start to shape the direction society takes.

This policy platform is intended to be read alongside the Socialist Alliance program: Towards A Socialist Australia.

First Nations rights

  • Negotiate treaties to respect First Nations sovereignty and land rights
  • First Nations control of First Nations’ affairs
  • End the disproportionate separation of First Nations children from their families
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community control of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child welfare
  • No closure of remote First Nations communities
  • No more “interventions” in First Nations communities.
  • Abolish racist welfare quarantining and compulsory income management
  • Ensure self-determination for all First Nations people in the practice and development of their cultures
  • Increase funding and ensure community control for First Nations health, legal and other community and advocacy services
  • Paid leave for First Nations workers to attend to cultural commitments
  • Close the gap in First Nations health, education, employment and housing
  • Implement all the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
  • Fund language and culture programs and bilingual education in schools

Democracy, not corporate dictatorship

  • Support an elected constitutional convention to create a new, genuinely democratic constitution covering legislative and executive government
  • Support public funding and resources for popular participation in democratic movements and campaigns for action, including citizen-initiated referenda, on all issues of significant public concern
  • Right to vote at 16
  • Put politicians and politically appointed officials on an average worker’s wage
  • All government positions subject to recall elections if 10% of electors petition for it
  • Proportional representation at all government levels
  • Election campaigns for all candidates publicly funded to a fixed amount
  • Create a Federal Independent Commission Against Corruption with power to hold public inquiries and investigate politicians, senior public servants and corporate executives
  • Prevent former ministers and senior public servants from serving on corporate boards or lobbying positions
  • For a genuine separation of church and state (e.g. end prayers in parliament and religious instruction in state schools)
  • Ban the use of private consultants in all government agencies, enterprises, and institutions

Defend civil liberties and civil rights

  • Adopt a Bill of Rights that includes guarantees for freedom: of movement and to seek asylum; for thoughts, conscience, religion and speech; for assembly, association and popular action; for popular sovereignty; to work and have leisure; for health care, housing, education, cultural participation and other social supports; for dignity and well-being
  • End the racist targeting of Muslims
  • Defend and extend anti-discrimination laws
  • Override laws that deny or diminish bail rights
  • Scrap ‘anti-terror’ laws
  • Abolish anti-protest laws
  • Establish the right and freedom for employees to express their opinion about their employer
  • Abolish ASIO and all spy agencies
  • Repeal data retention laws
  • Put the police under community control
  • Support the right for people to choose voluntary assisted dying
  • Decriminalise assisting a person to carry out their free and informed choice to end their life

Solidarity and international aid, not war and occupation

  • Solidarity with all popular struggles for socialism, self-determination and decolonisation; foreign policy to support global justice, human rights and climate action
  • Solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle; isolate apartheid Israel with boycott, divestment and sanctions; end all military and sporting ties with Israel
  • Reject war and imperialist aggression against China while also expressing solidarity with labour and democratic rights campaigns and victims of human rights abuses including Uyghurs, Tibetans and other ethnic minorities
  • No participation or support for imperialist interventions; bring back all military forces abroad; end Australia’s interference in the affairs of countries in the Asia Pacific, including impositions on their sovereignty and freedom in international relations
  • Launch an official investigation into Australia’s involvement in illegal wars and prosecute war crimes committed by political leaders as well as Australian troops
  • End ANZUS and close all US military bases in Australia; withdraw from AUKUS; opposition to nuclear submarines
  • Cut military spending by at least 50% and massively increase development and climate change aid to poor countries; reverse the cuts to Australia's overseas aid programs
  • Solidarity with the Kurdish liberation struggle, especially the struggle to defend the liberated zone in northern Syria; remove the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) from the Australian government terrorism list
  • Pay reparations to Iraq and Afghanistan for the illegal invasions and occupations; end sanctions and blockades unless called for by progressive movements with mass support


  • Withdraw from all trade agreements that allow corporations to sue governments
  • Conduct an audit of all existing trade agreements so as to withdraw from such agreements that undermine labour rights, environmental measures, cultural expression, consumer protections and human rights

Workers’ rights

  • Recognise the right to secure work for all; reverse casualisation
  • Full industrial rights for all migrant workers
  • Scrap all anti-union laws
  • Recognise workers’ right to strike, including solidarity actions, and organise in unions they can control; oppose enforced external administration of unions
  • Support unions to determine and provide skills and education needs for their industry’s workforce
  • Institute industry level bargaining on wages and conditions
  • Co-ordinate the creation of a national strike fund to compensate workers for lost wages during industrial action
  • No police involvement in industrial disputes
  • Increase the minimum wage to at least $35/hour
  • Full pay for young people; oppose the ‘youth’ wage
  • No cuts to real pay; pay increases at least every 6 months and no less than cost of living increases
  • Restore penalty rates
  • Make wage theft a crime
  • Full decriminalisation of sex work and the sex industry; oppose criminalisation of clients of sex workers (the "Nordic model")

Work for Human need, not profit

  • Expand apprenticeship programs
  • Establish national industrial manslaughter laws
  • Expand domestic violence, bereavement, and injury leave
  • Allow workers to retire on the pension at age 55 if they so choose; assist people who wish to continue in paid employment to do so, including retraining for less arduous jobs or changing work processes where necessary
  • Retool Australia’s manufacturing sector for the production of renewable technologies, vaccines, public transport and other socially useful projects
  • Immediate public investment to create jobs in providing better public housing, education, transport and healthcare, including hospitals or other health facilities
  • Create jobs by introducing a 30 hour work week with no loss of pay

Public ownership to serve the public good

  • Put all publicly owned companies and services under community and workers’ control; democratise TAFE and universities under staff and student control, including curriculum
  • Nationalise the mines, banks and energy companies and other critical infrastructure
  • End the billions in public subsidies to mining corporations, banks and energy companies
  • Oppose and reverse the privatisation of public assets and services
  • Return Commonwealth Serum Laboratories to public ownership
  • Reverse the privatisation of and cuts to public transport services
  • End privatisation of water and water infrastructure (dams, water pipelines, pumping stations); restore those already privatised to public ownership
  • Massive increase in funding for the ABC and SBS with democratisation of their boards
  • Reject privatisation of public broadcasters; stop corporate advertising on SBS
  • Support a publicly owned NBN with fibre to the premises
  • Bring telecommunication companies back into public ownership
  • Reject privatisation of Australia Post
  • Government assistance for the formation and maintenance of worker cooperatives

Rural and regional

  • Assistance to struggling farmers, including for regenerative farming and farming cooperatives
  • Restoration and rebuilding of transport links
  • Just transition from fossil fuels to sustainable jobs
  • Housing, education and employment assistance in regional areas
  • Increase access to health services in rural areas
  • Remove water subsidies to industries and mining companies that are contaminating water resources and clearing forests

Real Climate Action

  • Use the public ownership and democratic control  of power industries to plan a shift to 100% renewable energy within 5-10 years through public investment and emission reduction targets
  • End all fossil fuel subsidies
  • Phase out fossil fuels; no new coal or gas projects, including Adani; ban fracking and unconventional gas mining
  • Guaranteed jobs with no loss in pay for workers in fossil fuel industries
  • Asylum for climate refugees and those displaced by climate change
  • Ban the logging of old-growth forests and carry out an urgent program of reforestation, regenerative farming and biodiversity protection
  • Employ Indigenous rangers to lead the urgent program of reforestation, cultural burning, biodiversity protection and regenerative farming projects
  • Enforce the rehabilitation of mine sites by companies
  • Institute a national heat health strategy
  • No nuclear energy, nuclear weapons, uranium mining and radioactive waste dumps


  • No trading of water “rights” for speculative purposes
  • End the free access of the mining industry to water in artesian basins, catchments and rivers
  • Develop a national water conservation plan
  • Stop land clearing and logging in important water catchments to preserve water quality
  • Phase out water-intensive monoculture crops in climatic regions which remain unsustainable
  • Restore adequate river flows, including scientifically based flow targets for all river systems

Animal Welfare

  • Establish a national framework for the protection of animal welfare to monitor and enforce existing laws that criminalise cruelty against all animals and regulate conditions for the captivity, transport and slaughter of animals
  • End live animal exports
  • Abolish the cruel and inhumane use of animals for sport, recreation or entertainment
  • End the inhumane intensive factory farming of animals
  • Implement alternatives to culling and netting of sharks
  • Restrict experimentation on animals except where there is a clear need and where no current alternative methods are possible;
  • Support comprehensive and enforceable standards for free-range farming practices for all animals
  • Establish a national labelling system for foods and other products identifying cruelty free, organic or free range products, based on the National Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce, or better
  • Ban whale slaughter and lethal research on whales
  • Ban trophy hunting of all animals, including Australian native water birds

Housing for all

  • Adopt a Housing First model via a large scale, quality, public housing building program, to tackle homelessness and the housing affordability crisis
  • Target housing provision for at risk youth, Aboriginal people, people with disabilities and women and children leaving family violence
  • Nationalise and renovate all substandard landlord holdings; repair and decarbonise public housing
  • Adopt a 'Use It or Lose It' policy to purchase unused dwellings for public ownership
  • No ‘privatisation by stealth’ via conversion of public housing into social housing
  • Establish a publicly owned body to provide low interest home loans on a broad scale for owner/occupiers
  • Phase in a return to full Capital Gains Tax
  • Remove all negative gearing tax breaks on investment properties
  • Cap private rents at current levels for ten years; public and social housing rents to be no more than 20% of a renter’s income
  • Establish a bill of rights for renters, including rights to long term leases, pets and guarantees against unfair eviction with a ban on ‘no grounds’ evictions
  • Expand emergency accommodation services and reduce the systemic trauma experienced by those moving through the emergency accommodation system
  • Provision of permanent and stable housing for homeless people without conditions and in the area they desire with genuine wrap around services

Social Rights

  • A guaranteed livable and dignified income for all
  • Abolish the Job Network and reestablish a Commonwealth Employment Service with a service provision (instead of punitive) focus
  • Scrap “Work for the Dole” schemes and all “mutual obligation” schemes
  • No compulsory income management and other forms of welfare quarantining
  • Lift all welfare payments above the poverty line and index them to maintain real value
  • Restore the universal right to the aged pension
  • Provide free, 24 hour childcare funded by a levy on business

Free healthcare for all

  • Significantly increase the capacity of the health system; including increased funding and staffing levels
  • Restore free, universal health care; end back door co-payments
  • Boost funding for preventative care and chronic disease management
  • Free dental care
  • End subsidies to private health insurers
  • Expand community based health care networks, reproductive and sexual health clinics
  • Boost funding to public mental health services
  • Provide safe injecting facilities and pill testing
  • Free long term trauma therapy, medical treatment and support services for victims/survivors of sexual abuse
  • Legalise marijuana, decriminalise other recreational drugs and treat addiction as a health issue
  • Health care for all regardless of visa status

Public health and pandemics

  • Prioritise information campaigns and education over punitive measures to promote public health measures
  • Fully fund comprehensive testing, treatment and vaccination capacity
  • Establish a permanent fund to provide leave payments for all those who need it when following public health requirements, regardless of employment or visa status
  • Lock in a job guarantee program to ensure all workers – including full time, part time, casual, sole trader, self employed, visa workers and any worker who is stood down - to maintain their ordinary time wage when public health requirements restrict the ability to work
  • Ban sackings and evictions if lockdowns prove necessary
  • Government programs run jointly with workplace health and safety reps to ensure essential workplaces and schools are safe in response to public health issues
  • No watering down of WHS/OHS laws to facilitate workers returning to work
  • Use appropriate testing and/or quarantine measures in response to public health requirements to ensure the safety of those allowed into or travelling around Australia
  • End global inequalities in testing, treatment and vaccination for epidemics and pandemics; lift patents on medicines and vaccines and promote use and production of patent free medicines and vaccines; increase free medicine and vaccine distribution and assistance to produce medicines and vaccines in the Global South

Aged care

  • Boost funding to community based aged care services
  • Provide guaranteed free aged care assistance in the home for those who want it
  • Nationalise the residential aged care sector under community control; reverse recent government cuts and implement all the recommendations of the Aged Care Royal Commission
  • Legislate for aged care staffing ratios

National Disability Insurance Scheme

  • Democratise governance of all disability funding support bodies, including the NDIS; fundamentally reorganise the NDIS with governance provided by a board where people with disability are the majority
  • Make NDIS fully transparent and accountable; people with disability and their organisations must be the central decision makers in shaping the design, implementation and monitoring
  • Expand disability services; reverse cuts to the NDIS and provide access to all who need it
  • NDIS eligibility must meet the needs and reflect the interests of all those with disability, and be inclusive, regardless of type, severity and episodic nature, age, visa status and how disability was acquired; psycho-social disability must be included; no application of medical models to disability; access to the system should not be means tested
  • Assessment of requirements for services, support, equipment and aids must be guided by a self assessment of the person with disability as the expert of their personal and life situation
  • Ensure NDIS is an equitable system across all states and territories, and across urban, regional and rural areas; where relevant services are not readily available (e.g. culturally specific or a service located in a remote or regional area) government must ensure that these services and supports are provided
  • Ensure all workers providing support and other services funded by government receive, as a minimum, the same wages and conditions as those currently working within the state public sector
  • Oppose any attempt to categorise workers in the disability services sector from being in a “private and domestic” relationship with the person/people they support
  • Private for profit organisations should not receive public funding
  • Make all infrastructure whether housing, public and commercial buildings, transport, education, employment, recreation and culture, fully accessible

Women's rights

  • Eliminate the gender pay gap; support equal pay for all
  • Create publicly funded abortion and contraception services available to all who need them and ensure safe access zones across the country
  • Oppose foetal personhood laws as they are an attack on abortion rights
  • Restore and expand funding to women's refuges and community anti violence programs and provide evidence based consent education in schools
  • Guarantee employer funded, paid parental leave with maintenance of seniority
  • Increase funding to feminist advocacy services
  • Paid domestic violence and sexual assault leave for as long as needed

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer Rights

  • Make all discrimination against LGBTIQ+ people illegal; no support for religious exemptions
  • Full rights for trans and intersex people including easy change of identity documents
  • Full, publicly funded medical services for gender transition
  • Fully funded school programs for non judgemental sex education and anti violence campaigns
  • Full adoption rights for LGBTIQ+ people
  • Paid affirmation/transition leave for gender affirmation/transition steps and procedures

Youth Rights

  • Boost funding to youth services
  • Expand youth housing programs
  • Raise Austudy, Abstudy and Youth Allowance to a living wage

Migrant and asylum seeker rights 

  • Full residency and citizenship rights for all migrant workers
  • Reaffirm Australia's commitment to the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol on the Status of Refugees and honour our other UNHCR international treaty obligations
  • Restore all Australian territories to the migration zone
  • Cease discrimination towards people seeking asylum who arrive by boat without a visa (UMAs)
  • End boat turn backs and the policy of mandatory detention
  • Close offshore and onshore detention centres; replace with welcoming transit centres to process arrivals, issue IDs, bridging visas, medical checks, organise support and short term accommodation
  • Interim bridging visas, not so called Temporary Protection Visas, that enable people seeking asylum to live in the community while their claims are being assessed and to include Medicare, work rights, free education and access to social services such as housing and government payments
  • End security vetoes and deportations of refugees
  • Grant permanent protection to all refugees and their partners or children, including those remaining in PNG, and pay them reparations for their detention and delayed settlement
  • Offer permanent protection visas and reparation payments to all refugees and asylum seekers remaining in PNG and Nauru and those brought to Australia under Medevac laws; expedite remaining US placements and accept NZ’s offer where refugees prefer this
  • Enable and expedite family reunion visas
  • Increase and make ongoing the offshore humanitarian intake; provide additional intakes for the refugees in Indonesia and for Palestinian refugees from Israel’s genocidal war.
  • People displaced by the effects of climate change to be treated and given the same protection rights under Australian law as refugees.
  • Demilitarise and dismantle Australian Border Force, reassigning its functions to the Department of Immigration and a re-established Australian Custom Service

Education for all

  • Guarantee free public education at all levels (primary, secondary, tertiary and vocational)
  • Abolish all HECS debts
  • Reverse the funding cuts to public education
  • Expand the public education sector and massively increase funding to vocational education and TAFE
  • End public funding to private schools, tertiary institutions and training colleges

Public Transport in Public Hands

  • Make public transport comprehensive, frequent and free
  • Boost investment in suburban rail
  • Rebuild and electrify the rail freight rail system
  • Expand and renew regional and interstate passenger rail services, including a high speed network serving population centres in eastern and southern Australia and very fast intercity trains


  • Reimagine community protection; make police accountable to local communities and expand social support, mental health support and First Nations restorative and healing initiatives in place of punitive “law and order” approaches
  • Abolish imprisonment for non violent offences of poverty and non payment of fines
  • Decriminalise drugs and public drunkenness
  • Address family and domestic violence with expanded services and rights for survivors
  • Reinstate the Family Court and reform it so that victims of violence, women, children and LGBTIQ+ people’s rights are prioritised
  • Treat corporate tax evasion, industrial manslaughter and other corporate crimes including environmental vandalism as serious offences
  • End mandatory sentencing
  • Raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 16 years
  • For prevention programs, community oriented rehabilitation schemes and alternatives to imprisonment
  • Fully fund legal aid and legal assistance services
  • Keep corrective services in public hands; reverse the privatisation of prisons

Arts, culture and media

  • Support the development of emerging, mid-level and established arts and culture organisations and workers through local projects and production of all forms of art and culture, with encouragement for those which reflect cultural, social and linguistic diversity
  • Guaranteed living incomes for arts and culture workers if this is their principal form of remuneration
  • Enforceable rights for arts and culture workers to decide how their creations are used.
  • Improve access to and participation in arts and culture in areas of social and economic disadvantage, rural and regional areas and for people with disabilities
  • Develop national, state, and regional archives, galleries, libraries, museums and other collecting institutions as custodians of our cultural heritage
  • Increase funding and availability of licences for community media
  • Support net neutrality, online privacy and a bill of digital rights
  • Shift to open source software use by government bodies

Tax the corporations and the rich - no GST

  • Scrap the GST
  • Have a steeply progressive tax system; raise the tax-free threshold to $56,000 and introduce a top tax marginal tax rate of 70% for incomes over $300,000
  • Stop “bracket creep”; index tax brackets including the tax free threshold for wages growth and inflation
  • Introduce a wealth tax on the super rich
  • An immediate rise in company tax to 49%; establish an additional super profits tax
  • Make big companies pay tax; remove tax loopholes; expand ATO compliance resources
  • End the tax exemptions of religious bodies
  • Abolish the Medicare levy to fully fund free universal healthcare and social support for people with disabilities out of general revenue

Policy Charters